Thursday 8 October 2009



  1. Very good indeed. Realy great start to the year. I'll put this on the main Blog right away.

    hope all is well,


  2. Hi Natasha,

    Hope you are having a good start to the week :0)

    I have misplaced your email address?? could you mail me any other drawings you have done of our shapes combined? i know we have to right a piece about our hybrid and if we can share our ideas so far this might help us to write something? i have just uploaded a couple i have done so far - i will put some more up soon x

  3. This is looking great - really like the sketchbook work. hope you are feeling better this week as I'd like to see this progress. Becky is also producing some strong work - have a look and try and make contact with her before thurs,

    well done
